Vue.js and SmartSVG
Vue.js and SmartSVG
The Standard Sample
Start a new vue.js
npm create vue@latest
Here are our selected settings:
✔ Project name: … smartsvg-project
✔ Add TypeScript? … Yes
✔ Add JSX Support? … Yes
✔ Add Vue Router for Single Page Application development? … Yes
✔ Add Pinia for state management? … No
✔ Add Vitest for Unit Testing? … No
✔ Add an End-to-End Testing Solution? › No
✔ Add ESLint for code quality? … No
Install and run the dev server:
cd smartsvg-project
npm install
npm run dev
Now navigate to http://localhost:5173
in your browser and see the default
Vue.js landing page.
Adding SmartSVG
to our Angular App
Vue’s philosophy is to enforce a strict separation of script, template and style
elements on its components makes it slightly less straightforward to include
SmartSVGs than in React or Angular. Nevertheless
there are several ways to integrate your SmartSVG
into your Vue.js app with
minimal additional work.
Inspect the result in your browser at
. Zoom or resize your browser
window and observe the change when the client window is smaller than 480px.
Change the settings of your operating system from light to dark mode and observe
the change of the logo.
as Inline SVG in Vue
Vue.js can use SmartSVG files as inline SVGs. For example replace the
tag in the App.vue
file with the content of the smart.svg
file in the
folder. This will initially lead to an error, as Vue ignores tags with
side effect, such as <script>
or <style>
in clien components. Consequently
they we need to move the <style>
element from our SVG into before the
component. The SmartSVG then works as expected.
as a Vue Component
Rename smart.svg
to smart.vue
. Add
<script setup lang="ts">
Move the Style out to the end of the file as:
<style scoped>
Load as icon
A special technique is to load the SmartSVG icons as a dedicated components
after changing the
extension to .vue
import smartUrl from './components/icons/IconSmart.vue'
Adding SmartSVG
as a Vue Component via vite
When using the Vite SVG Loader
to integrate SmartSVG as a component into our app.
to integrate
SmartSVG as a component into our app.
npm install vite-svg-loader
Add to vite.config.ts
import svgLoader from 'vite-svg-loader'
svgo: false
Add to
import IconComponent from './assets/smart.svg?component'
``` tsx
<SmartComponent />
Again make sure to add the <style>
element separately before the <template>
as the loader will remove it!
For a similar integration using other bundlers or frameworks like webpack
use the Vue SVG Loader with
npm install vue-svg-loader@beta
and see the documentation on its github page for details.